Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to."

In October, Bernardsville Public Library will host a month-long community reading event known as One Book Bernardsville.  A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson has been selected as our One Book.  To become better acquainted with the author, please view the enjoyable video posted below.
Bill Bryson’s 1989 book, The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America, begins with the words “I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to.”  That opening line also kicks off this video about the author’s childhood.  Aired in the United Kingdom on Melvyn Bragg’s The South Bank Show in 2006 (South Bank Show – Bill Bryson itv.com/southbank,) the video features Bryson’s recent return visit to his hometown to discuss what it was like growing up in Iowa. Included in it are numerous charming clips from home movies his father took.  Bryson’s mother appears in it as well as high school friend, “Katz,” who accompanied Bryson on part of his Appalachian Trail hike. That attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail is recounted in our One Book Bernardsville selection, A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail, to be read and discussed by the community during the month of October. Please click here for information about A Walk in the Woods and about the One Book Bernardsville events our library has planned throughout October. Now, enjoy the video! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Today's Read

Jonathan Lethem has an interesting website to explore. In it, he provides several published interviews, one of which is linked here.  Motherless Brooklyn, his childhood, and his writing style are all discussed. Feel free to learn more about him and his other books at this website: http://www.jonathanlethem.com/index.html.